GMN produces abrasive mandrels with high round and flat face accuracy for all available GMN abrasive mandrel receivers.
Order designation: “Abrasive mandrel” [mandrel Ø K] x [mandrel length H] [interface] (example: abrasive mandrel 16 x 40 D16/28 PS)
GMN semi-finished products allow individual adaptation of the tool receiver for any type of connection.
Order designation: “Semi-finished product” [mandrel Ø K] x [mandrel length H] [interface] (example: semi-finished product 34 x 180 D16/33)
GMN semi-finished products allow individual adaptation of the tool receiver for any type of connection.
Order designation: “Semi-finished product” [mandrel Ø K] x [mandrel length H] [interface] (example: Semi-finished product 81 x 186 HSK-C63)
Semi-finishes products